Skeeter IBC Swap Meet October 26, 2008

The 23rd annual Skeeter Ice Boat Club (we sail Skeeters, DNs, Nites, and stern steerers) swap meet is scheduled for Sunday, October 26, 2008 at Sailing Specialists, inc., 210 N. Walworth Ave., Williams Bay, WI. Williams Bay is located on the north side of Geneva Lake. the time is 9 a.m. to noon with a raffle to follow.

More more info, email
If you get lost, phone 262-245-6242.

This is the day to swap, buy, and sell new and used iceboats and equipment. There is no fee charged for participating.

Items for sale can be set up on the black top parking area at Sailing Specialists and on the grassy area immediately to the south. Please do not park your cars in the display areas.

Parking: Please do not park or set up you displays adjacent to neighboring businesses. Just 150 yards to the north there is a municipal parking lot located at the intersection of Walworth Ave and Stark St (on the north side of Stark St, across from Burrough's Floor Coverings).

Refreshments will be available at Lucke's Cantino, across the street from Sailing Specialists.