Questions of Facts of Life

They started jury selection in the Bismark Dinius Trial yesterday,, as Trial Court Judge ruled, last week, something about classic questions of fact to be determined by a jury...

Oh boy; Were the running lights working?

Even in the "Don't Confuse us with the facts, we've made up our minds" Lake County California, Prosecutor's Office, Port is still Port, Starboard is still Starboard, things they cannot change.

Here's some facts I'd like to see questioned:

Why isn't Lake County Deputy Capt. Russel Perdock charged for driving his 24' Baja Speedboat at over 40 mph into a drifting sailboat?

Does allowing boats to travel at wicked fast speed at night, (Apparently the County's Policy) constitute a hazard to navigation that obstructs California or Federal Rights of Navigation?

Where is Justice?