For any first timers to Swede Lake, near town, just West of St Boni, N on 25? its the first lake on your right.
Public Landing is on the North Shore about half mile off the blacktop. At 500 acres there's plenty of ice, average depth is under 12 feet.
The ice is reported second hand to have been walked on. There's occasionally been one hole there that lags the freeze a bit.
Hutt and I will be there
Hutt and I will be there about 10:00.
I am in....
I plan to head to Swede on Saturday. Wind 8-10 mph.
See you there.
US 5366
Swede Lake
For any first timers to Swede Lake, near town, just West of St Boni, N on 25? its the first lake on your right.
Public Landing is on the North Shore about half mile off the blacktop. At 500 acres there's plenty of ice, average depth is under 12 feet.
The ice is reported second hand to have been walked on. There's occasionally been one hole there that lags the freeze a bit.