Meet The Minnesota Ice Sailing Association Gold Cup Team

Here are the Minnesota sailors that are registered for the 2011 Gold Cup World DN Championship.

The primary site is the best ice on Green Bay, Lake Michigan.


Thunder Bay, Lake Superior
John W Dennis
Rank 5
highest ranked, most experienced, best chance for the team to take home the Trophy


Ice looks fine.
Jim McDonagh
Rank 17
moving up, had the best finish ever at 5th in the 2011 Western Regionals


Tom Meyer
Rank 19
ohh yeaa.. with all the new gear tuned up has some good speed. Has to work on the starts..


Patrick Huttner (US-5290) relaxes waiting for the wind Friday
Patrick Huttner
Rank 31
has the speed to take home the silver.. if he is going good he could qualify up to the gold


The start
Mark R Christensen
What? unranked? has got the speed and skill to win it on the perfect day, but will have to sail up the qualifiers..


John A Loomis
on the right day has the speed to challenge for the big new silver fleet trophy.


Mike Miller
we've all seen 5369 lead the silver fleet around, seems like an error that he isn't ranked?


Silver Fleet Champion
Mike Bloom
is going really fast, just won the coveted Western Regional Silver Skate.

Wish us luck
stuck in ohio

Green Lake

Green Lake had a smooth snow-ice surface but has had serious slush pockets as the snow cover was sinking the ice and not completely re-freezing. On January 26th Mike Jankowski checked Green Lake and reported to the Governing Committee. The slush pockets were healing, but there were still some soft spots. In his view it would be a few days before it would be regatta ice. Perhaps Green Lake will be in shape by the time Green Bay is snowed out.

looks like we should be driving to green lake

less snow, 2-4 for the bay of green bay fri, but 1" for green lake. but very cold. will make some new ice somewhere? any open water on green? lets move to the new black ice. how is it warmer up north?

ya xxxxx

It is so close!!

Come on Minnesota DN fleet. The Worlds and NA's are only a 6 hour drive. Show up by 8PM Sat and you are in.
As the Icemaker says: It is going to be epic!