"and we're going to do what they say can't be done.."
- smokey and the bandit
less then 100 miles to go to Peru, Illinois.
Expectations have been reset.. and now it looks like a blustery regatta..
early morning checkin 8:00 - 10:00am at hotel.. then opening ceremonies at 11:00 then racing at 1:00pm.
I also heard there might be early (late-night) check-in at the hotel this evening.. to help with the morning rush hour.
Good call
Based on Peru Il weather, great to start racing on Sunday and Monday, in case the next storm moves us again!
Googlemaps says 37 minutes to launch site. Can skip the toe warmers today.27F, ENE wind at about 10 and cloudy.
Evening check-in at room 109 until we get too tired...
.. at least until 10:00pm