Thunder Bay Sailing

Spent the afternoon out track sailng, 3/4 mile long by 50 yds wide track plowed and flooded on Lake Superior.They use it for motorcycle Ice racing on Sundays.Every other day of the week it is not used and I was given the warm welcome to come back any time and bring friends.Nice location you can pull your vehicles right out on the ice beside the track.Ice was 14" thick, black and very smooth.


Another couple of hours on

Another couple of hours on the track.Blowing 20 mph with the wind direction making it a very tight beat to make it down the one staight away and a very broad reach down the other.Still prefer to course sail but this is still sailing so all is good.

Got in another 2 hrs after

Got in another 2 hrs after work tonight on the track.wind was 10-12 mph,perfect beam reach down each straight away, very fast lap times.