We tried. Forest Lake thinned out substantially this week. And the colder weather coming in today is ... just not that cold.
The hardest part of blowing this off was just looking at the ice. Waconia and Forest Lake LOOKED great. But once you get on the surface -- not so safe. West Arm and Bald Eagle both had fleets of 12+ boats racing last weekend, but are just too small for 25 Nites.
Third weekend of January is targeted for the 2012, a three-day event.
Thanks for the effort!!
I was looking forward to some one design racing.
any more night sailors want a DN?
sorry for the truth, what a bunch of leakers.
ya xxxxx
christina is probably good to go.
but your right, any type iceboating is good, sorry, flyer
ya xxxxx
I don't believe this comment is valid. It is a fact of life that larger boats require better conditions for a regatta. Although Nites aren't that much bigger than DN's, it still mandates suitable landing and larger ice sheet. Larger skeeters can't even consider racing until larger ice is available with landing where trailers can at least be pushed out. Stern steerers can't really schedule much until there is a good 12" so the vehicles can get out on the ice. Everybody makes their class decision on what their definition of "fun" is, and should not be criticized for it. Remember that in southern Wisconsin, 80% of the boats are NOT DN's, and still seem to have plenty of fun. I have often thought of selling my boat and getting back into a DN to get more sailing time, but just as little as 1 hour a year of that "Cadillac" ride is enough to change my mind.........
that's just tommy
that's just tommy spelling the nites/nights wrong and giving them the business at the same time...
Sing it, Barney!!
I luv u, u love me...