Western Regionals | Saturday

flag is down | gold fleetPoygan Lake is a great host for the 2004 Western Regionals.

The Gold fleet raced four races today, and the Silver fleet got in three.

The weather report on friday was calling for saturday to be 20-30mph winds with gusts up to 40. In the morning while setting up it seemed like the weather man was going to be right. The wind started off fresh and cold, and it was clocking around, so by the time the wind had settled in and the course was setup the wind was probably more like 15-23mph. The first race got off about 12:30-1:00. After that we quickly got through seven races, four gold, three silver.

In the morning there was also some concern regarding shell ice that had formed from friday nights rain, there was water under the shell ice, but no air. It was probably less then 3/4 inch deep, but everyone was wondering what was going to happen if you hit some shell ice at high speeds. As it turned out the cold day healed the ice and the front runner didn't go through it anyway.

So, in summary, it was a great day of iceboating. Strong fresh winds, good flat ice, and great competition.

I'll see about getting some preliminary results posted.g