If you belong to the IDNIYRA you just received a ballot in the mail. This is your chance to vote for the officers who make up the DN Governing Committee and for 2 changes to the class By-Laws. Cast your ballot. Let your voice be heard. Just remember to return your ballot by July 1, 2016. If you are not already a member of the IDNIYRA now is also a good time to ask "Why Not?" Most of us take advantage of the DN class without even knowing. Do you ever go online to learn how to make a repair or look for regatta information? You can thank the DN class for the web site. Do you ever wonder who supplies those super-sides marks out on the race course? Again, you can thank the DN Class. Do you ever wonder who supplied the 4-wheeler that came to your rescue after a breakdown? Again, you can thank the DN Class.
Suffice it to say if you are not a member you should be. Joining is easy. Just mail $25 to IDNIYRA Secretary Geoff Sobering. 1850 Sheridan Street, Madison WI 53704.