Regatta Info

TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Northwest Regatta 3 11 years 28 weeks ago
by DN 5432
11 years 26 weeks ago
by ciyoti4148
NORTHWESTERNS Called "ON"!!!!! 0 11 years 24 weeks ago
by DN 5432
"King Karol" wins DN 2013 European Championships 0 11 years 24 weeks ago
by DN 5432
NIYA Race #4 0 11 years 23 weeks ago
by us5214
The Doctor wins "MC" Crown on Soft Water 0 11 years 2 weeks ago
by DN 5432
The Great Western Challenge Regatta December 6 - 8, 2013 0 10 years 43 weeks ago
by Fity Five---0
Any info on the 1st Western Skeeter Regatta 0 10 years 42 weeks ago
by Attitude928
FIRST ICE!!! 0 10 years 42 weeks ago
by DN 5432
Ice on Pelican Lake! 0 10 years 42 weeks ago
by GeoffS
Western challenge lost bag 0 10 years 38 weeks ago
by DN 5369
The Western Challenge…As reported by Mr "T," Commodore of the NEIYA 0 10 years 37 weeks ago
by DN 5432
Doctor wins Holiday Classic Regatta in Michigan 0 10 years 35 weeks ago
by DN 5432
Westerns set for Green Lake, Wi this weekend 1 10 years 34 weeks ago
by DN 5369
10 years 34 weeks ago
by GeoffS
Nites to Green Lake, Jan 11th,12th? 0 10 years 34 weeks ago
by 5298
Western Regional Regatta tentatively called ON! Janaury 11 and 12, 2014. Green Lake WI. 1 10 years 34 weeks ago
by DN 5432
10 years 34 weeks ago
by DN5158
Westerns called on 0 10 years 33 weeks ago
by DN 5369
2014 Western Regional DN Regatta :: Preliminary Results Day 1 0 10 years 33 weeks ago
by us5214
DN North Americans...a little history. 0 10 years 33 weeks ago
by DN 5432
DN North American Updates 1 10 years 32 weeks ago
by 5298
10 years 32 weeks ago
by DN 5369
NA Regatta under Postponement! 0 10 years 32 weeks ago
by us5214
They got the Qualifier In! 0 10 years 31 weeks ago
by us5214
DN NA's by New England Commodore "T" Thieler 0 10 years 31 weeks ago
by DN 5432
Doctor 2nd at DN North Americans 0 10 years 31 weeks ago
by DN 5432
DN Worlds 2014 – day 1 ...and day 2 0 10 years 26 weeks ago
by DN 5432
DN Worlds 2014 - Day 2 0 10 years 26 weeks ago
by DN 5432
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