Monday, after the storm, and before the storm, Ice Assessment.... Minnesota

We've had encouraging inital observations on several lakes...

Clear Lake,in soon to be annexed, IA, was reported to be very attactive looking on a drive by... we're soliciting ice reports there.

Pepin, at Lake City, for no particular objective reason, Pepin, bless her, freezes in lovely sections about a week apart... somebody ranked by the fleet will drive, walk, and report tomorrow.

Central MN Lakes, e.g., Gull, Battle Lake, Ottertail, Big Cormorant, The main body of Gull was reported frozen after the snow... Ottertail, Battle and Cormorant were reported open prior to the storm.

The politically impossible Minnetonka's main lake looks 100% frozen in Snow Ice, my guess is, we can get the laws changed if we have to.

There are more we don't know of....

Of course...

It's gonna be amazing!