silver has 3.5” ice but 50 deg wed thurs fri. being checked fri am but prob iffy. so ashby seems the call right now for sat. mike bloom plus others. i plan on staying sat and also sailing sunday. meyer. wed am: ashby looking too windy on sat for DNs. maybe perfect for mini skeeters regatta or nites. hoping silver an option especially sun after a cold sat night. pat heppert reports sun am silver has spots only 1”. ashby didnt get sat snow so pat going there. miller and meyer plan on sailing silver wed or by his house west arm which is also frozen over. plenty of ice by wed. miller meyer doyle sailedchristina wed. 3.5 to 6” ice. disappointing lumps of ice launchers. thurs with more wind will be worse but 52 deg may help as well as rain fri night. light wind sat. sun more wind and give ice some healing time. needs scouting again sat. not sure silver safe by sun. tuesday better bet after cold sun and mon nights. needs to be scouted to make sure safe! yes. tue 12/19 silver lake. 10:30. needs scouting yet to identify any bad spots!!! wed and thurs also looks good. silver had holes and too thin. buffalo looks perfect.miller meyer sailed it tue. wed. thurs. light wind fri? sat !!! perfect 6” ice. smooth. no hole or seams
Local lakes
Just to be clear, West Arm of Lake Minnetonka has not been walked on or scouted and still deemed by me to not be safe. It does have 3.5” of ice near shore but with last weeks warm temps, some weak spots were seen. This Wednesday at least 3 of us are sailing and scouting Silver Lake.
Mike Miller
Thanks Flyer for the update.
Thanks Flyer for the update.
Keep the updates coming.
I appreciate them.