Ice is snow-free as of this moment, smooth, pebbly surface.
Sailing Friday, Saturday, Sunday as wife permits.
Wind predicted @ Zip 46567
Friday 7-10 mph, Saturday not posted yet.
Standard Ice Disclaimer applies, but fisherdudes report thin spots to be 4" thick, other areas more like 10"
Scott C
Lake Wawasee 02/25/2005
Ice is still out there, rated a 6.5 by one wiser than I about such things. Ice turned white with a dusting of snow this morning, but no ac- accu- accum- oh heck, no piles of it. I sailed about 20-25 miles before developing a front stay condition. {It separated at the lower fitting.} Mast and boom went B-A-N-G. On the ice. Missed me again! Walked boat about 1-1/4 miles back to ramp, loaded up and came home. Spare stay is ready for tomorrow's sailing extravaganza. ...too bad I'd taken it out of my tool bag two weeks ago... Come and see what breaks tomorrow!
Come and Sail Our Indiana Ice...
Scott C