Sailing Conditions are excellent on many recently frozen lakes throughout Minnesota in our Second Sailing Weekend of the 2008-09 Season. Here's some of the known information around the area.
- Lake Christina, Ashby was sailed for two days last weekend by 12 DNs and rated a 9, 5.5 inches minimum, one hazardous thin spot observed, since then no snow has fallen in the area I expect Christina looks alot like this:
- Dead Lake, Dent - Has been inspected but not sailed, 5 inches was the report.
- North Long Lake, Brainerd - Sailed last weekend by the "The Stand Up Guys, Board Sailors, 4-5 inches reported on an excellent sheet of ice
- Swede Lake, Watertown, MN - Swede was sailed this week Weds, Thurs, Friday by 12 DN's, no observed hazards, lake is too small for a regatta, ice is nice and fast there
- Lake Minnewaska, Glenwood, Clear ice reported by fishermen to be in the 3.5-4" range, no snow, fishing traffic substantiates some of it is fine, no reports from local sailors yet,
- Buffalo Lake, Buffalo, MN, will be checked over the weekend by MISA Sailors
Modis Satelite Imagery shows perhaps 100 big and well frozen lakes in Minnesota without snow, I expect many iceboaters will venture out this weekend if there's wind.

Ice reports, (by phone, email or direct post) are welcome by all iceboaters. Please consult the Safety Links before venturing out.
Breeze is starting to fill in...
it's currently N at about 8 mph in Alexandria...
Heading out to Swede in an hour...