2005 Gold Cup :: Wednesday

Lake Winnebago, WI
28deg F
15-25mph winds

pretty good sized snow drifts..

we are back online


looks like the race committe isn't setting up a course.. yet..

Gold Cup web cam - Portable action shots

Will and Jimmy are going to walk around the pit area with the live web cam and take shots of all the cool boats. Keep refreshing your browser to see the photos.

2005 Gold Cup :: Tuesday :: Racing Postponed

Racing has been postponed until Noon.

The race committe reported sustained 25mph out on the ice. It's a little to fast for the condition of the ice, it's pretty bumpy.. so they say.. I still haven't been out..

us45 went out for a ride and gave us a little show... up.. up.. and over...
he's okay...

Quite a number of the fleet are heading out for a little rip anyway.

more to follow..


how's the cam working?

Gold Cup Web Cam link

Here is the link to live web cam which I left out before.


Racing today (per Jimmy and Will):
One Bronze fleet race this morning top 12 move up to Silver fleet. One Silver fleet race top 12 move up to Gold fleet. Gold fleet racing after that.
I will post more when I hear something from the regatta.


Gold Cup Web cam will be live shortly

I just spoke to Jimmy (U5214) and Will and they are setting up the web cam as I am typing this message.

Check out the live shots of the Gold Cup!!!!!

Go Jimmy and Will Dog!!!!!!!!!!


Any opportunity to try Ice Boating?

I am visiting the Twin Cities area this Thursday - Sunday and am wondering if there is anywhere / anyone who teaches Ice Boating. I am a very experienced sailor and windsurfer, if that matters at all. Would love to try out your sport! Please email me at tomvhall@hotmail.com or call my cell 206-396-2731 if you have any ideas for me.

Thanks, and sail fast.
Tom Hall
Seattle, WA

Lake Leelanau, MI

Great Ice! Like glass and thick.

Gold Cup :: Racing Delayed

The Opening Ceremonies for the 2005 Gold Cup got underway on Lake Winnebago with the temps still in the negative (-2F).

8 different contries were represented and the top skipper from each country were introduced.

Racing was called off today and the next skippers meeting is set at 9:00am tuesday morning, at the race HQ Hotel.

120 boats have been registerd. 50 in the gold, 35 in silver, 35 in bronze.

The top 12 skippers from the bronze and silver will qualify up.

Tomorrow it's set to blow snot.. we'll see...

cold on winnebago

Live From Winnebago

Experimental live feed from the Opening Ceremonies...


Primary GC & NA Site Confirmed :: Lake Winnebago

cut and pasted from idniyra bbs

Posted by: John Davenport on January 15, 2005 at 20:17:26:

The Primary site for the GC & NA’s is Lake Winnebago out of Oshkosh,WI.

Hwy 41 North past Fond Du Lac.
Exit 116 to all hotels.

HQ is at the Hawthorne 920-303-1133 left ofer bridge and left again, on right.
Hilton Garden 920-966-1300, right and right again on 20th.
Americinn 920-232-0300, accross from Hilton.

Registration is 5pm-9pm Sunday at the Hilton Garden in the lounge.

ON THE ROAD call-in: call hilton (920-966-1300), ask for registration in bar.

GC & NAs now looking like Oshkosh

From the DN Bulletin Board: http://cerebus.winsite.com/laser/DNboard/mesgRegat/544.html

Posted by: John Davenport on January 13, 2005 at 22:09:09:

After the last miracle Zamboni came through yesterday, many lakes in WI are now clear of snow. The new Primary site for the GC & NA's is Lake Winnebago out of Oshkosh,WI.

Going to GC & NA's next week?

hell bent for glory
47% (15 votes)
13% (4 votes)
yes, and I'm from Europe
3% (1 vote)
If the ice is good, if it's not too far.. if it's not bitter cold...
25% (8 votes)
13% (4 votes)
Total votes: 32

Gold Cup and North Americans Postponed for One Day

I just called the hotline and registration has been moved back to sunday.

The deep freeze that is forcasted for thur-fri-sat-sun is the reasoning behind the one day postponement.

That means registration now starts at 5:00pm on Sunday not Saturday.

Lake Pepin is still the primary site.

Western Regional Results

Gold  R1  R2  R3  R4 R5 R6 R7 Total Tot w/to
1 Markham Chatterton 4811 1 2 7 2 3 3 10 28 18
2 Mark Christensen 4824 2 3 4 3 2 4 5 23 18
3 Rob Evans 4975 DNS 9 3 1 1 5 1 41 20
4 John Dennis 4691 5 4 1 6 9 2 9 36 27
5 Wendell Sherry 45 3 1 5 8 8 10 3 38 28
6 John Davenport 4961 4 8 10 10 4 7 2 45 35
7 Lou Loenneke 294 6 5 9 5 5 12 6 48 36
8 Rick-E Lenmberg 4755 8 7 12 4 15 1 4 51 36
9 Steve Orlebeke 4926 9 14 8 7 6 6 7 57 43
10 Mark Isabell 5014 7 10 2 15 10 8 13 65 50
11 Bob Cave 445 10 11 11 12 13 16 14 87 71
12 David Kickhafer 4602 12 12 6 17 11 14 16 88 71
13 Mike Jankowski 3271 16 13 19 13 7 15 11 94 75
14 Rick Lemberg 4155 13 17 16 9 17 13 12 97 80
15 Pete Johns 2360 14 6 15 19 20 9 19 102 82
16 Erich Schloemer 4319 11 18 13 11 16 17 17 103 85
17 Tom Meyer 602 17 20 14 14 14 11 15 105 85
18 Ken Smith 4137 16 15 18 18 12 18 18 115 97
19 Jim McDonagh 5214 18 19 17 16 19 19 8 116 97
20 Jose Norton 781 15 16 20 DNS DNS DNS DNS 135 114
21 Ron Schloemer 4473 19 21 21 20 18 20 20 139 118

Lake Pepin was a great host to the 2005 Western Regions

Lake City, Mn
Lake Pepin, Mississippi River

harvested from iceboat.orgIt was a great location on a huge sheet of ice nestled in the Mississippi river basin. There is a long history of iceboating on Lake Pepin so it had a great feel to it and there are large bluffs on both sides that make for nice scenery. The bluffs also effect the wind.

The race committee did a great job setting up the course, promptly moving the mark when the wind shifted on Saturday, and efficiently scored all the races. All the racers really appreciated their effort.

We had 21 boats in the gold fleet and 17 boats in the silver fleet.

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